Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wonderful Websites

Hello friends!

I wanted to pop in to comment on the Tumble Books link that I had previously recommended.  Due to the  school district licensing agreement, we are unable to distribute the login/password information so you can log on from the link I had in the sidebar....however, you can still access this wonderful website by going directly to our school website and clicking on the Tumble Books link on the left sidebar.

You can also find a handy link to pay your school fees, hot lunches, etc on the school website main page.

Mme. Forman has also shared some new Science websites for you to explore.  Check them out in the sidebar, on click through the links below.

Happy surfing!


  1. Thanks for the blog and all the helpful website links -- this is a great way to keep families up to date!
    David Thacker

  2. Thanks for your positive feedback Mr. Thacker. If there is anything you think we could add to make it more helpful to families, we would love to hear your ideas!
