This past Friday, we wrapped up Artist in Residency week with a special assembly on Friday by Les Bucherons, followed by Cabane à sucre - a wonderful opportunity to enjoy another French Canadian tradition of maple syrup on ice, before saying goodbye to Les Bucherons, as they moved on to delight more Canadian students with their songs and stories. What a whirlwind adventure!
This week started off with celebrations of Halloween throughout the school on Monday, with the students partaking in a school-wide hallway parade of costumes, enjoying special activities in various A-Den classrooms, and finally returning to the classroom for snacks and games to wrap up the afternoon. The costumes were fantastic, and thank you to the families who shared treats with the class, and also to the parents who joined the class for the afternoon activities - in costume as well! Wow!
A quick reminder that the school-wide Remembrance Day assembly will be held tomorrow morning (Wednesday) in the gymnasium. Please join us as we honor those who have served and sacrificed to protect the safety and freedom of Canadians and people around the world.
Students will also be given a yellow ribbon to take home and display as part of the town-wide campaign in recognition of Master Corporal Byron Greff, a former Lacombe resident who lost his life last week in Afganistan.
...AND finally, if you haven't already bookmarked our website, or you want to recommend it to other Grade three families, or even grandparents, you can now access this blog from the school website by opening the STAFF page, and clicking on the names of Mme. Graves, Mme. Forman or myself.