French L.A.

In French Language Arts we have been very busy learning new words, French expressions and learning how to avoid using English expressions in our oral language. Here are the French expressions that we have focused on so far…
“la semaine des quatre jeudis” – translates to “the week of the 4 Thursdays”  and it means “never”
“sauter du coq à l’ane” – translates to “jumping from the rooster to the donkey” and it means “jumping from one topic to another”
“ haut comme trois pomme” translates to “as high as three apples” and it means “being short”
“avoir un chat dans la gorge” translates to “having a cat in your throat” and it means “having a frog in your throat”
“mêlez-vous de vos oignons” translates to “mind your onions” and it means “mind your own business”
The students have also learned new vocabulary words with an emphasis on springtime. They have created beautiful spring poems and Wordles  ( which you will have a chance to see when you visit the classroom during Student-Led Interviews.
In FLA, we are also learning how to write a detailed story which has a strong and interesting beginning, middle and end. The students are learning that every interesting story has characters that are trying to solve a problem. It is very interesting to see what they create.
Montre et Raconte Schedule
le 23 avril – Ainge
le 24 avril – Ariel
le 26 avril – Ashlie
le 27 avril – Payton
le 30 avril – Kenzie
le 1 mai – Wim
le 3 mai – Joel
le 7 mai – Caleb
le 8 mai – Colby
le 10 mai – Dylan
le 11 mai - Madison