English L.A.

I am covering a temporary leave in a grade one classroom at our school, and in my absence, Mme Graves and Mrs. Duckett are teaching E.L.A. to my grade three students. 

In English Language Arts our class has started a new novel study, based on the book "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire" by author Gordon Korman.  In this humorous look at life in grade three, we are introduced to the main character, Zoe Bent, who tells tall tales each day at school, and then deals with the consequences of her dishonesty.

Students have also been practicing refining and editing their work using their Writer's Eyeglasses" to ensure that the following is completed before submitting their writing:

  • I see that all sentences begin with an uppercase letter.
  • I see lower case letters throughout the remainder of sentences, unless it is a name.
  • I see appropriate punctuation at the end of each sentence.
  • I see finger spaces between all of my words.

Most recently, students have been practicing to create a variety of sentences lengths, and add detail by incorporating CONJUNCTIONS, such as the words OR, BUT, BECAUSE, AND, SO.  We kicked off things with this fun little video that some of you Moms and Dads may remember from TV in the 1970s.  Enjoy!